The Guide to Perfection

Question: What’s the secret sauce to managing a well-oiled machine while in the Growth Stage?

Answer: Don’t run a well-oiled machine in the Growth Stage!

It is not seeking perfection, but instead being comfortable with imperfection. As you grow you will want your baby to be the vision of loveliness you thought it would be when you birthed the IDEA in your dorm room years ago. Now the idea is a reality and you will realize that that baby screams and poops all the time. It’s not an Ann Getty image of a baby in a flower basket. It’s a hot mess.

Be OK with the mess. I’ve found that when I get caught up on focusing on minor imperfections, I get down on myself and then it carries over to my team. This hurts our progress because we become consumed by the 30% that is not perfect and forget about the 70% that is working great. This is HORRIBLE for growing your business. Focus shifts and the good things suffer because we are worrying about getting the 100% perfection mark; the A+.

I never got an A+ in school. I got a lot of C’s, but I still have an MBA. I still learned. I am way more successful than most of my graduating class. Even back then, being OK with the mess translated to greater success as I grew. I just had a better definition of success than the Education Industrial Complex tried to create for me. Corporate Finance stumped me and I never figured out how to calculate an IRR (Finance Jargon) by hand, but I knew I didn’t have to. I needed to network with other students, go hear great entrepreneurs speak at on-campus events, and work on my real estate business. The 30% that I lost on a grade, I made up for in what mattered.

You will never make everything perfect, but here are 3 hacks to be able to focus the majority of your time on making the good better while still addressing the problems.

So, keep moving forward and do not get caught up on these minor imperfections that are not that important.