Top Painting Tips for Investment Properties

#AskProfJoeyC Episode 27

Painting for an investment property can be challenging. You need more than just a brush and a bucket of paint to put the finishing touches on your project. This is the last item that buyers or renters are going to see so don’t half-ass it! It could be the deciding factor in whether or not you can close the deal! Follow our painting tips to make sure you know what you’re doing and spend the proper amount of time doing it right.

On the more complicated jobs, we bring in the pros! If you want to try it yourself, though, here are the top three painting tips to perform like a pro.

Investment Property Painting Tips

Painting Tip 1

PREPARATION. Prep is key! Most paint jobs should be about 50% preparation and 50% painting. You’re only as good as the canvas you’re working with. so make sure you’re doing proper scraping, sanding, caulking, and priming to help your job turn out great! If you skimp on the prep, it’ll show big time in the final product!

Painting Tip 2

Use the right materials! Quality paint is the only way to go! Sherwin Williams or PPG paints are my recommendations. You CAN get cheap paint from Walmart, but you’ll end up with a cheap looking paint job.

Painting Tip 3

The most difficult step! FIND THE RIGHT PEOPLE FOR THE JOB! If you pay someone a case of beer and $100 to help you paint your house, you’ll like just have a drunk person stumbling around your job. Make sure the people you recruit to help you with painting know what they’re doing. Keep an eye on them to make sure the job goes well!

Again, on complicated jobs, we always hire a professional painter! However, on easier, smaller jobs we use these three painting tips to make sure that we complete our work just like the pros would!